EI M1786/41 Ash
4½ x 14½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 90 and SW Plate 89.
On these plates are various microscopic small parts of plants. Beautiful artforms.
SW Q05205/19 Bamboo
EI J1775/41 Bamboo
NS L8110 Bamboo
NS R7008 Bamboo gate
NS F0905 Bamboo in water
EI L1519/26 Bamboo spray
2½ x 3½ cm and 2½ x 7½ cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 81
SW K08026/75 Bare branch
SW Q08022/74 Bare tree
NS F9102 Big leaves
NS D8102 Birdscorner
NS Q7401 Blossomtree
4½ x 8 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 68 and NS Plate 108
3 x 4 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 40 and NS Plate 102
NS P7501 Branches
2 x 4 cm and 3 x 6 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 198
EI F1768/41 Crepe Myrtle
EI K1790/39 Deco trees
NS S9106 Enchanted tree
NS S9106 Enchanted tree
10 x 12 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 91 and NS Plate 101
NS K9112 Enchanted trunk
NS K9112 Enchanted trunk
5 x 6 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 91 and NS Plate 101
SW M20025/227 Fern
EI F1857/47 Fir
9 x 14½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 165
NS D5210 Gingkoleaf
NS Q7001 Gnarled branche
SW P20021/227 Gray alder
EI S1729/35 In the garden
NS G9111 Ivy branch
SW P10023/103 Ivy lg
SW J10024/104 Ivy medium
SW F10028/104 Ivy small
7 x 10 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 179
SW R14047/177 Large tree
EI J1248/65 Le fruit
NS N5706 Leaf on text
NS G9110 Leafy branches
SW R13019/156 Leaves set
EI K1776/41 Live oak
EI M1783/41 Muscadine
SW N20028/227 Oak leaves
5 x 7 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 227
NS N5513 Palmfronds
SW E12002/122 Park
NS M8706 Pear branch
NS K4004 Pine branch lg
NS K4004 Pine branch lg
3½ x 5½ cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 40 and at NS Plate 102
NS D4003 Pine branch sm
NS D4003 Pine branch sm
4½ x 4½ cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 40 and at NS Plate 102
beide 2½ x 3½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 227
NS F9010 Pointed leaf
EI F1858/47 Poplar
EI N1805/43 Rowan tree
EI N1806/39 Sakred Oak
EI M1799/39 Shadow tree
SW S10021/103 Silk oak
EI N1789/41 Silver maple
NS F8803 Small branch
NS S7112 Sunset
EI N1788/41 Sweet gum
2 x 4 cm, 3 x 6 cm and 4 x 8 cm
EI J1784/43 Tree framed
SW R17047/200 Tree or branch
EI E1769/43 Tree square
NS G9007 Tree trunk
NS Q9103 Tree with nest
7½ x 12½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 155
EI M1782/41 Tulip poplar
2 x 2 and 2½ x 6 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 44
1 x 1 cm and 3 x 3 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 33
NS D7911 Two leaves
NS Q7912 Weeping willow
NS Q7912 Weeping willow
8 x 8½ cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 79 and NS Plate 102