NS S7308 African background
5 x 9 cm
Please take a look at SW G13027/157 Numeric stick and at SW Plate 157
SW S13001/153 Alphabettunnel
10,5 x 15 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 55
10,5 x 15 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 55
NS Q5808 Art deco screen
NS M3301 Asian screen
9 x 13 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 145
9½ x 13 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 166
4½ x 14½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 90 and SW Plate 89.
On these plates are various microscopic small parts of plants. Beautiful artforms.
7½ x 12½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 82
8½ x 11 cm
Please take a look at PLATESW171
8½ x 13 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 170
10 x 13 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 149
8½ x 13 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 120
2 x 7 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 31
9 x 12½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 24
SW T09003/83 Background LOVE
8½ x 12½ cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 14
FAS S2001 Background science
9½ x 12½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 25
7½ x 12 cm
You can write/stamp pieces of text in the stones of this wall. Great to use in a journal.
Please take a look at SW Plate 169
7½ x 12½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 83
NS S5205 Bamboo frame
1 x 5 cm and 2 x 8½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 159
0,8 x 8 cm and 1 x 10 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 232
8 x 8 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 59 and SW Plate 58
FAS G2113 Binary code
NS S4705 Blossom Background
8 x 13 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 67
87 x 12½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 211
NS R7207 Celtic background
NS P7804 Celtic quilt
SW R13040/159 Chickenwire
SW R13040/159 Chickenwire
5½ x 10½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 159 and at SW R14006/169 Chickenwire negative
5 x 10½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 169 and at SW R13040/159 Chickenwire
SW S19001/216 Corkbackground
SW Q13021/156 Daisyset
NS F7704 Dome webbing
11 x 13 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 04
SW J18041/212 Explosion
EI N2014/89 Eye twister
NS S7007 Fan background
3 x 3 cm and 3 x 3½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 89
NS Q4706 Floral panel
9 x 14 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 49
SW Q09048/89 Four globes
SW Q09048/89 Four globes
diameter 2½, 3, 3½ and 4 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 89
SW S14016/172 French bill
10 x 11½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 02
6½ x 8 cm
There is also a smaller version: SW D06096/80 Hole in paper sm + Ex Libris
Please take a look at SW Plate 80
3½ x 4½ cm
There is also a larger version: SW Q05234/80 Hole in paper lg + Ex Libris
Please take a look at SW Plate 80
10½ x 13 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 51
2 x 2 cm + 3 x 3 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 20
FAS Q2107 Periodic table
NS P6304 Pillar scheme
SW L18043/212 Pinwheels
Example product
Example product
This is an example product. Include details on the product specifics, key values, and benefits. Explain what makes the product unique and how it delivers value to customers.
PLATESW077 Plate 077 Box
EIPP80 Plate 80 Texturize
EIPP81 Plate 81 Funky stuff
EIPP81 Plate 81 Funky stuff
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
NS R8408 Psychedelic square
NS F7707 Radar webbing
SW M13018/156 Rose set
SW D06180/52 Snow
SW L20065/232 Snow large
2½ x 11 cm + 10 x 4 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 216
NS R3501 Starry background
8½ x 11 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 66
EI P2013/88 Sunsquare
NS P4901 Swirly alphabet
6½ x 9½ cm
There is also a smaller version: NS M7706 The face is the icon sm
Please take a look at NS Plate 77
4½ x 6½ cm
There is also a larger version: NS Q7712 The face is the icon lg
Please take a look at NS Plate 77
ca. 2½ x 5½ each
Please take a look at SW Plate 148
SW R20068/232 Tiled floor
NS P5702 Trellis
NS S4607 Watches background
NS B0901 Wavy decoration
SW S14013/171 Wood texture
SW S15027/182 Word broth
SW S15027/182 Word broth
8 x 13 cm
Can be used as a background or to cut out single words and glue them on your stamped work.
Please take a look at SW Plate 182