Architecture general and buildings
SW U12001/122 Arcade
NS R5008 Architrave
NS B3303 Asian belltower
NS J3314 Asian city
NS R4212 Babylonian arch
7½ x 12 cm
You can write/stamp pieces of text in the stones of this wall. Great to use in a journal.
Please take a look at SW Plate 169
NS R7008 Bamboo gate
5½ x 8 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 99
SW Q11034/116 Bridgehead
NS N6511 Capital
EI J1886/47 Castle wall
FAS R1010 City view
FAS R1010 City view
6 x 12 cm
Please take a look at fFAS Plate 10 and FAS Plate 22
SW K09075/93 Clisson, FR
NS R6308 Colonnade
EI R1870/46 Column 1 + 2
SW Q11047/118 Door
SW F15060/186 Door knob
NS D5408 Doorknocker
EI J1882/46 Doorway
EI F1856/46 Dragongoyl
SW Q09099/98 Fencing
5½ x 6 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 92 and at SW R09071/92 Kenilworth
NS B5407 Flower ornament
NS N5409 Fountain lg
NS F5412 Fountain sm
6 x 7 cm
Please take a look at SWCP Plate 04
FAS P1005 Gate corridor
FAS P1005 Gate corridor
4½ x 9 cm
Please take a look at fFAS Plate 10 and at FAS Plate 22
EI L1888/46 Gateway
NS Q5403 Gothic window
EI D1619/08 Greek column
EI K1889/47 High castle
9 x 10 cm
Please take a look at EI Plate 09 and at EI Plate 32a
SW K15064/186 Hinge
5 x 9 cm
Please take a look at SWCP Plate 05
NS P8109 Japanese room
SW R09071/92 Kenilworth
SW R09071/92 Kenilworth
7 x 10 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 92 and at SW L09070/92 Floor plan Kenilworth
7 x 10 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 179
SW R09073/93 Monmouth, Wales
SW P06091/37 Mosque
SW C09069/92 My home
SW Q10015/101 Notre Dame
SW S18051/214 Old house
EI J1878/46 Ornate arch
NS K8904 Pagode
NS F5010 Partial arch
EI R1659/28 Peacock portico
SW R09067/92 Pengersick
NS L4106 Pillar
NS L8305 Pillar detail
NS C5608 Pillar head
NS G5001 Pillar part lg
NS C5013 Pillar part sm
NS P6304 Pillar scheme
NS S6909 Room in perspective
NS K4907 Rose window lg
NS B4905 Rose window sm
NS D5610 Rosette
EI C1839/46 Small column
EI G1865/46 Stone arch
SW R08019/74 Summerhouse
NS N4514 Tasj Mahal
EI G1508/26 Tea house
NS M3315 Temple left
NS M3316 Temple right
NS Q4102 Temple ruin
SW R09068/92 Tintagel
2½ x 5 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 122
2½ x 3 cm and 2½ x 4 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 118
EI M1977/59 Village inn
SW R09076/93 Vitré, FR
6 x 6½ cm
Please take a look at SWCP Plate 04
SW P14057/178 Windmill
SW R15006/179 Windmill lg
NS Q4802 Winternight
NS Q4802 Winternight
5 x 11 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 48 and NS Plate 103